Coordinator: I. Hubloue, M. Bodas

Credit units: 13

Study time: 325

1. Analyse health risks en vulnerability and evaluate and prevent health risks in natural and man-made disasters.
2. Develop public awareness in medical disaster management.
3. Develop, manage, and evaluate medical disaster plans for an organisation or a community.
4. Specify the role of health authority in disaster preparedness
5. Plan and apply a medical incident command system.
6. Develop a medical information strategy and management in disaster situations.
7. Plan a coordinated medical logistic management system for disaster situations.
8. Specify safety and protection measures in the medical response to disasters.
9. Apply a triage system in disaster situations.
10. Plan and apply pre-hospital and hospital management in disaster situations.
11. Identify roles and competencies of nurses in disaster response.
12. Manage medical volunteers in disaster situations.
13. Develop disaster medical planning for special populations.
14. Understand the specific problems with respect to management of the fatalities, public health management, and environmental
15. health management in disaster situations.
15. Apply the principles of medical management, analgesia and anaesthesia, and surgical management to large numbers of disaster casualties.


Previous knowledge
The content of the programme units on medical skills, acute medicine, care of critically ill and management of urgencies and emergencies, organization and management of hospitals of the respective master programmes.


Study material
The website of the master ( provides the students with the core content and “need to read” material. Exercises, executed individually or in group, at the website of the master or during the live-in course.


Mode of assessment
Test at the end of the module and final examination at the website of the master.



Module A: General medical disaster management

1. Risk assessment and risk management (M. Dell’Aringa)
2. Public awareness and information as measures of prevention (S. Stratton)
3. General and medical disaster planning (I. Hubloue)
4. The role of health authority in disaster preparedness (M. Van der Auwera)
5. Command-control-coordination (J Franc)
6. Information strategy and management (P. Halpern)
7. Logistics (E. Weinstein)
8. Protection and safety (D. Danschutter)
9. Triage (I. Hubloue)
10. Pre-hospital management (K. Spaepen)
11. Nursing management (K. Spaepen)
12. Volunteers management in Disasters (C. Schultz)
13. Medical planning for specific populations (T. Codreanu, S. Stratton)
14. Management of the fatalities (I. Hubloue)
15. Public health management (M. Bodas)
16. Environmental health (V. Murray)
17. Veterinary aspects (D. Danschutter)
18. Principles of medical management (K. Spaepen)
19. Principles of analgesia and anesthesia (A. Ripoll Gallardo)
20. Principles of surgical treatment (C. Stewart)

Module B.

The Riceland Game: hospital disaster preparedness


The content could be amended or modified due to revision by the Organising Universities